
The markdown format is a special form of the text type but instead of rendering unformatted text, it parses it as Markdown and converts it into HTML.

Normally accessing the Markdown field just returns the rendered HTML but there are some special attributes on it to access more information:

Attribute Explanation
html the rendered Markdown as HTML string
source the unprocessed Markdown source

Additional attributes can become available through the use of plugins.

Field Usage

label = Body
type = markdown

Template Usage

<div class="body">
  {{ this.body }}

The way in which links in Markdown fields are resolved to URLs can be controlled using the resolve_links field option. There are three possible values for the option:

  • resolve_links = never Never resolve links to Lektor source objects. This was the link resolution behavior for all versions of Lektor before FIXME.

  • resolve_links = when-possible This is the new default behavior. When possible, links are resolved to Lektor source objects, then the URL to those source objects is used. When the resolution to a source object fails, the links are interpreted as URL paths.

  • resolve_links = always Resolve links to Lektor source objects, then use the URL of those source objects. If that resolution fails, an error is raised.

The resolve_links option only applies to Markdown links that do not include an explicit scheme or netloc.

As an example, to force the old behavior, wherein links were never resolved via the Lektor database, configure a markdown field like so:

label = Body
type = markdown
resolve_links = never

Linking to a Specific Alt

When links are resolved through the Lektor database, URLs to specific _alt_s may be obtained by adding an alt query arg to the link. For example, to link to the current page, but in the French alt:

Here is the [French version of the blog](/blog?alt=fr).
