
When pagination is enabled for a page, then pagination will return a pagination controller that gives access to a query that is specific for the actual page that was navigated to, instead of including all children as well as information about the current page. In a nutshell: when pagination is enabled, you should use pagination.items instead of children on an overview page.

The following attributes exist on the pagination object:

Attribute Description
current The current record
prev The record for the last page (might be None)
next The record for the next page (might be None)
total The total number of items across all pages
pages The total number of pages
page The number of current page
has_prev True if a previous page exists
has_next True if a next page exists
items The query that resolves to the children of the current page.
for_page() Returns the record for a different page.

The for_page() function accepts a page number and returns the record for the other page. For more information also see the virtual path example below.

Changed in Lektor 2.0: The for_page() method was added.

Item Query Example

Simple example that shows how to iterate over the items specific to a page:

{% for child in this.pagination.items %}
  <li>{{ child.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Pagination Example

This example shows how to render a basic pagination with a previous and next page link as well as the number of the current page:

<div class="pagination">
  {% if this.pagination.has_prev %}
    <a href="{{ this.pagination.prev_page|url }}">&laquo;</a>
  {% else %}
    <span class="disabled">&laquo;</span>
  {% endif %}<strong>{{ }}</strong>{% if this.pagination.has_next %}
    <a href="{{ this.pagination.next_page|url }}">&raquo;</a>
  {% else %}
    <span class="disabled">&raquo;</span>
  {% endif %}

Virtual Paths

New in Lektor 2.0: virtual paths did not exist in earlier Lektor versions.

The pagination is implemented in a way where each page in the pagination is a virtual path below the record itself. The value of the path is just the number of the page. So for instance to link to the second page you can just do this:

<a href="{{ '@2'|url }}">Go to Page 2</a>

Alternatively you can also use the for_path() function which returns the entire pagination for a page:

<a href="{{ this.pagination.for_page(2)|url }}">Go to Page 2</a>
